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  • In Canada, Havanese are registered the colour they are at the time of registration.
  • For most Havanese, this will be between 8 and 16 weeks of age when their go to their new homes.
  • In Canada, it is the breeder who is responsible for puppy registration
  • If a dog is already registered in another country at the time of Canadian registration, then he should be registered the colour (or closest choice) that appears on his foreign registration.
  • CKC colour codes

    Basic choices

    The Havanese comes in so many colours and variations (100+) that it is impossible to list them all on the registration form. When registering with the Canadian Kennel Club, there are 21 basic colour choices for the Havanese (the maximum number of choices allowed on a registration form). The colours are for the most part broad categories rather than specific. There are some solid colours as well as basic patterns and markings. These 21 choices should be suitable for the registration of the majority of Havanese puppies.

    broad categories

    Broad colour categories

    What is a broad category and why only 21? Having 100's of choices sounds like it would make things more accurate but, in actual fact, the reverse may be true. Every person's eye sees a different shade and what one calls one thing, someone else calls another. Broad categories means the that designation is accurate for general definition but is not finely detailed. Example: it is similar to registering your car. There may be 50 individual shades of blue, yours may be called sapphire, while mine is called electric blue, but according to the car registration and insurance, all of them are "blue".

    ...and white

    ... and white

    All the base colours can come singly or with white. "And white" means that both coloured areas and white areas are significantly present in the coat. Either one may be the predominant colour or they may be equally represented. It could be a coloured dog with white feet and blaze, or white trim, one with classic Irish pied markings or a predominantly white dog with irregular patches of colour (particoloured). The colour choice "& white" identifies the colours present in the coat but does not specify the pattern in which these colours are laid out or the extent.

    i.e. black and white, red and white, gold and white, chocolate and white.


    Where a Havanese puppy does not fall into one of the general colour choices listed on the CKC registration form, a breeder may choose to identify the colour/pattern as colour "other" and then define it. To do this, you will have to send in your registration manually and contact CKC to see what alternate options may exist close to what you want. This is only for printed forms sent in by post. On-line registrations do not have this option and only allow the 21 choices above.

    NEXT ... AKC registration